The NCT Story

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Mr FO Klipp A great pragmatist who always ensured that the original values of NCT’s founders were honoured

Mr PV van Breda Chairman 1970 – 1973

Mr AJS Slatter Chairman 1976 – 1985 The supreme diplomat who was known for his deep personal involvement in the timber industry

Mr AJ Royden-Turner Chairman 1973 – 1976 Another tough negotiator, particularly when it came to chip and ship for Japanese paper makers

Volly van Breda came in with guns blazing in the negotiations with the Japanese

NCT's first elected directors to the CTC board were Messrs F O Klipp, PV van Breda and A J Royden-Turner. Mr A J S Slatter was appointed as an alternate director. TWK and NLK began railing their members’ timber on a subsidised basis into the new plant and NCT sent its members’ timber in by road from special depots in the Natal Midlands. This mode of transport was essential due to restricted facilities on the Greytown/Pietermaritzburg railway line which would

have been unlikely to cope with anticipated volumes. This then prompted NCT to acquire Mosenthals Haulage Limited to transport timber. It was to be known in general terms as NCT Haulage. Together with eight International Transtar trucks and trailers, a base and workshop was established on land adjacent to the Cato Ridge chip plant. The contracted price to haul NCT members wattle wood was formulated on a cost plus 7.5% basis. In July 1976 Laeveld Tabak Koöperasie Beperk became the fourth member of CTC.

The NCT Story


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