The NCT Story
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Election of Directors In South Africa, some agricultural co-operatives follow a rule that directors are to be elected from specific regions in order to ensure broad representation over the whole spectrum of that particular co-op’s area of operations. NCT, while acknowledging the fairness of such a system, has always believed in the democratic approach that directors should be elected by members irrespective of the candidate’s home district. This ensures that the best men are chosen. But when a specific area did not have representation, it used to be the custom to invite a leading timber grower from that district as an observer to board meetings. This practice has recently been discontinued. Cognisance has to be given to the many loyal members who have not only supported their own organisation but urged their fellow growers in their areas to also uphold the ideals of the co-operative spirit. They are too numerous to mention by name in this short chronicle but recognition is given because NCT is about people and their support. Contractors – an integral part of NCT The hardy band of operators known as the Contractors form an integral part of NCT. These people fulfil a vital need where members with limited resources require their trees to be harvested. The contractors perform this function and most offer a fair deal. Unfortunately there have on occasion been those who have taken advantage of landowners to the overall detriment of the group. All in all the majority carry out a necessary exercise for the benefit of all concerned. In 1989 Peter Keyworth was appointed as General Manager. Under Peter’s guidance the co-op has continued to diversify and expand various services. It was his innovation that led to the introduction of farm management schemes and ultimately a new company to be known as NCT Tree Farming (Proprietary) Limited.
Dr Carl Seele, Chairman 1994 onwards
Mr Peter Keyworth, General Manager 1989 onwards
The NCT Story
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