The NCT Story
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THE NINETIES • timber on the move
Early in the decade Laeveld Koöperasie Beperk decided to dispose of its interest in CTC. As a result NCT acquired a 74% stake in that organisation, which left just two shareholders in CTC – NCT and TWK. Besides acquiring a greater interest in CTC during this period, NCT started to expand its field operations. In the past the primary purpose of the co-op had been to market its members’ timber coupled with an extension service by experienced and qualified foresters. In 1992, after requests from private growers in the Eastern Transvaal, an office with appropriate staffing was opened in Nelspruit. Further expansion took place in 1997 with the appointment of an extension forester in the Southern Cape to liaise with grower members in that region in conjunction with Suid Westelike Landbou Koöperasie (now Tuinroete Agri). The majority of commercial timber growing areas in South Africa are now served by NCT. In addition, contact has been made with forestry interests in Swaziland and NCT currently maintains a presence in that country. During the early nineties, the Haulage operation was expanded to include the Melmoth and Vryheid areas, but in time the whole exercise proved uneconomical due to cheaper alternatives in a competitive market. It was then decided to scale down the undertaking and concentrate on shorthaul operations utilising transport contractors. In 1995 steps were taken to dispose of the divisions. The only remaining transport operation is in the Vryheid district. Other activities included the introduction of South African
Transport Services block rail truck deliveries known as the Boomslang which had the effect of reducing delivery costs. NCT had a brief re-entry into producing mining timber in Northern Natal, but has since ceased operating in this particular market. The Co-operative has, over the years, been associated with many organisations with similar goals in the forestry industry. The SA Timber Growers Association (SATGA) and the SA Wattle Growers Union (SAWGU) are very closely allied to NCT and its interests, and also support the interests of private growers. Other organisations which have figured in NCT’s orbit over the years are Brokoöp Co-operative Insurance Brokers, the Institute for Commercial Forestry Research, Forestry Training Services and the Natal Agricultural Union.
The NCT Story
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