The NCT Story

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NCT • 1999

ways to those of the more established and large-scale farmers. As a result of an analysis of these, the Co operative appointed a Development Forester tasked with assisting small scale

Co-operative or company? In recent times, many co-operatives have converted into companies. The question is asked why NCT did not follow this trend. The NCT Board carefully considered the merits of such a conversion, as well as the apparent motivation of others who were proceeding down the conversion route, and decided that NCT could best serve its members in maintaining its cooperative format. Amongst the most obvious advantages are those that ensure the ownership stays in the hands of the independent timber growers, distribution is based on patronage and access is made easy for potential new members. It is interesting to follow the fate of co-operatives who chose the conversion route and the effect it has had on their members, as well as the number that have subsequently considered reversing the process. Meeting the needs of ALL its members Since its inception, NCT has always extended its invitation for membership to all South African timber growers and contractors, regardless of race. In recent times, however, it has become increasingly clear that small scale timber growers, of whom the vast majority are Black, have special needs which differ in many

timber growers in the language of their choice in order to ensure that they gain the full benefit of being members of NCT. The Co operative is convinced that this will be of further benefit to all members of the Co-operative as a whole as greater integration amongst all private timber growers is achieved. Back to local markets again Fifty years after that first meeting of timber growers in Dalton, and after many ups and downs over the years, 1999 has again found timber farmers battling with an over-supply situation. With export markets unable to take all the timber which NCT members have available for marketing, the Co-operative has once again turned its attention to local markets. The first step was to appoint a Marketing Forester who would target local non-pulp markets and develop better relationships with them. Through much hard work, NCT has managed to secure supply agreements with buyers for pine and gum sawlogs, veneered products and mining timber in all the areas where NCT operates. The Co-operative began targeting treated pole plants, charcoal factories and industrial and structural sawmills.

The NCT Story


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