The NCT Story

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When it became obvious that there were just too many records, orders and payments to be processed by hand, NCT began to computerise its operations. The first computer system was installed in 1980. The system in use then consisted of three IBM terminals which were later upgraded to seven terminals running off two 286 machines (with 1 meg of RAM and a 30 meg hard drive!) Today NCT runs a HP9000 system with a total of 64 terminals in Head Office and the District Offices. Computerised order allocations and payments, electronic weighbridges at the depots and barcoded delivery notes are all a way of life for NCT members now. NCT’s sophisticated GIS and mapping system allows staff to view maps of members’ properties and to calculate potential timber estimates at the touch of a button. A state-of-the-art computerised management system is used in the management of members’ farms through NCT Tree Farming. And the Co operative even has a colourful website which gives information to members and buyers alike. This will eventually be fully interactive and both members and buyers will be able to complete all their business transactions with NCT via this accurate system. NCT has come a long way since the days of huge, bulky ledgers handwritten in perfect copperplate script! MOVING • with the technological times

The NCT Story


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